MHaW Understand
An essential building block to improve understanding and awareness of workplace mental health is our MHaW Understand workshop. MHaW Understand equips your employees with the knowledge to manage mental health within their roles.
Why choose MHaW Understand?
We have been running our MHaW Understand workshops since 2016, customising content to reflect the specific needs and learning outcomes for the specific audiences in each organisation or market.
About the Understand Programme
MHaW Understand is a programme designed to raise awareness, improve literacy around the subject and help in understanding of self and others through exploring attitudes and myths and the preferred language to begin to reduce stigma and support conversations.
The programme will consider shared responsibilities in the workplace and the legal responsibility under the Equality Act, highlighting specific workplace driven factors around mental health and raise awareness around signposting within your organisation.
Content can be tailored to each organisation and discussed with you in advance of the programme being rolled out.
Who should attend this workshop?
Everyone in your workplace from the frontline workers to the C-Suite. Through everyone taking the same steps together, we are able to generate a movement within your organisation towards openness in mental health discussions.
By breaking down stigma and signposting to resources and support, this workshop helps to create a stigma-free and supportive work environment, reducing emotional distress symptoms and enhancing productivity.
What training outcomes can we expect?
As each workshop is different and tailored to an organisation’s needs and objectives, it is difficult to provide a finite list of outcomes, however attendees should come away with knowledge of some or all of the following:
An understanding of mental health/mental illness to promote inclusivity
Noticing the changes in yourself and colleagues
Addressing stigma, readiness, myths and unconscious bias and language
A consideration of the impact of stress and burnout
A discussion on shared responsibility and the Equality Act 2010
A raised awareness of internal/external signposting
What does the training look like?
We work with our clients to tailor the content for them, and therefore duration and format may vary. However, we usually recommend that the workshop is;
Up to 2.5 hours in total duration
Facilitated either face to face or online
In groups of between 16-20 attendees
We also offer a 90 minute webinar option for up to 250 employees
To find out more about MHaW Understand, please get in touch